
Protection of investors’ rights becomes subject of discussion at EEF in Vladivostok


EEF is a platform of panel sessions, roundtables, televised debates, business breakfasts, and business dialogues, which is annually attended by delegates from Far-East countries and Russia. At the Forum, debates touch upon the prospects of expanding international cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region and increasing investment flows into respective countries.

The session “Improving National Jurisdiction and Protecting Investors’ Rights” held by the Association of Lawyers of Russia in the framework of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) on 5 September 2019, brought together experts in the sphere of law and business to reveal the challenges concerning the quality of Russia’s national jurisdiction and protection of foreign investors.

The session was moderated by the CEO – Chief of Staff, member of the Board of the ALRF Stanislav Alexandrov.


Igor Drozdov — Chairman of the Board, Skolkovo Foundation

Alexander Konovalov — Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation

Aleksey Serko — State Secretary, Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters

Boris Titov — Presidential Commissioner of the Russian Federation for the Protection of Entrepreneurs’ Rights

Roman Trotsenko — Founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors, AEON Corporation

Yury Chayka — Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

Wenhua Shan — Dean, MoE Chair Professor of Law, School of Law, School of International Education, Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU)

Front row participants:

Elena Bezdenezhnykh — Vice President for Regional Policy and Government and Administration Relations, RUSAL

Dmitriy Dyakin — Partner, Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners; Deputy Chairman of the pPesidium, Arbitration Centre, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)

Kirill Udovichenko — Partner, Monastyrsky, Zyuba, Stepanov & Partners

Alexey Chichkanov — First Vice President, Gazprombank

ALRF session broadcast (at the end of the page)

Photos by TASS