
Legal protection & Human rights


The ALRF actively cooperates with the Government Commission on Compatriots Abroad, which is a coordinating body ensuring the harmonised actions of the engaged executive bodies on the implementation of the Russian state policy regarding compatriots living abroad.

The main objectives of the Commission are:

  • coordination of the federal executive bodies activities , executive bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation activities on implementation of the Russian state policy regarding compatriots living abroad;
  • control over the activities on the implementation of the principal policies regarding compatriots abroad. conducted by the federal executive agencies;
  • ensuring the implementation of measures aimed to support compatriots abroad.

In the context of the interaction with the Commission, The ALRF is involved in the implementation of the Commission’s Comprehensive Plan of main measures for implementation of the state policy of the Russian Federation regarding compatriots living abroad, for 2018-2020.


Since 2018, CEO-Chief of Staff, member of the Board of ALRF Stanislav Alexandrov is a member of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO.

The Commission’s activities are aimed at coordinating cooperation between the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies, academicians, experts and UNESCO institutions.

From 17-19 December 2018, ALRF representatives attended the International Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations for the first time. The Conference takes place every two years and serves as the main platform for bringing together the NGOs, which are official partners of UNESCO, in order to review their cooperation with UNESCO. In 2018, the Conference is focused on»Developing and strengthening the participation and contribution of UNESCO partner NGOs».

Website: http://www.unesco.ru/en/

Sergey Lavrov

Minister of International Affairs of the Russian Federation

Chairman, Government Commission on Compatriots Abroad

Chairman, Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO





The ALRF, jointly with the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation has selected 40 candidates from among Russian legal professionals to work at the ECHR Secretariat in Strasbourg.

Over four years Russian lawyers working at the Secretariat have processed more than 45 000 complaints against the Russian Federation. More than 37 500 complaints have been the subject of judicial decisions made by the Grand Chamber, the Committee or individual judges on their inadmissibility by the ECHR. Over 4,000 complaints have been prepared for consideration by committees or the Chamber of the Court. The total number of complaints filed against the Russian Federation and pending before the ECHR decreased to 9,250 (compared to 41,300 in September 2011), which is more than four times less.


In October 2014, the ALRF launched a large pilot project – the international training program “European System of Protection of Human Rights” in Strasbourg and Geneva. The project was joined by the Association’s representatives: students, postgraduates, practitioners, and academicians specialised in the sphere of international and European law from different regions of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Perm, Ekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnoyarsk and others).