Bureau of Presidium

Bureau of Presidium is a permanent collective governing body elected by and from the Presidium of the Association upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Association for the period of their term.


The Bureau of Presidium within the scope of its competence (art. 16 of the Charter):

  • Prepares draft regulations for their examination by the Congress and Presidium of the Association;
  • Forms the agenda of the Presidium sessions;
  • Submits the event plan of the Association for approval at the Presidium session;
  • Exercises operational control over implementing regulations of the Congresses, Presidium of the Association;
  • Ensures coordination and development of the relations with non-governmental organisations and state bodies of foreign countries;
  • Ensures coordination of the activity of committees, commissions, working groups and other working bodies established by the Association;
  • Organises the work in the spheres determined by the Presidium;
  • Performs other functions conferred to it in accordance to the regulation on the Bureau of the Association.