Aims & objectives
In terms of its objectives, the Association performs the following tasks:
- Facilitating the formation of a legal state in Russian Federation;
- Promoting the prestige of the legal profession in Russian Federation, providing education of lawyers in the spirit of strict observance of legal provisions and professional ethics rules;
- Promoting the creation of conditions for active professional and social activities among members;
- Strengthening the legal basis of lawyers’ activities, their social and legal protection;
- Involving the wider legal community in law, humanitarian and other projects and programs;
- Developing comprehensive cooperation between lawyers;
- Promoting communication between legal science, education and practice.
ALRF conducts its activities aimed at solving socially important issues, improving legal culture and legal education, and protecting the constitutional rights of citizens.
ALRF also:
- Cooperates with state bodies, public associations, international governmental and non-governmental organisations;
- Independently or jointly with state bodies and non-governmental organisations holds congresses, conferences, seminars;
- Considers actual problems of developing Russian legislation and analyses the practice of its application;
- Considers and prepares proposals on adoption, modification, addition or repeal of legislative and other statutory acts;
- Scientifically explores programs and expertise of initiatives, bills of federal laws and other statutory acts;
- Elaborates recommendations on application of legislative and other statutory acts;
- Elaborates scientific recommendations on problematic issues relating to the protection of rights, freedoms and interests of citizens, their access to justice;
- Carries out public certification and accreditation of legal organisations and lawyers;
- Conducts educational activities aimed at enhancing the lawyers’ skills;
- Participates in the legal education of citizens and interpretation of the current legislation;
- Studies and disseminates valuable experience of different countries in the sphere of law;
- Provides informational, consultative and organisational help to the members of the Association;
- Conducts information activities in electronic and printed mass media, as well as in information networks.